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The Idaho Steelheads Booster Club
The Idaho Steelheads Booster Club

Join us today!
ISBC Mission Statement: The purpose of the organization is to promote the
professional hockey team known as Idaho Steelheads, help facilitate team members’
involvement in the community and to help acclimate players to our area through
charitable fundraisers, children’s activities and social events where players and fans can
Founded in the inaugural season of the Idaho Steelheads in 1997, the ISBC is proud of the work we accomplish annually in support of our Idaho Steelheads and for many charitable causes on behalf of the Idaho Steelheads, helping to spread the love of the great sport of hockey here in the Treasure Valley, and beyond.
Join the Idaho Steelheads Booster Club today! Membership in the Idaho Steelheads Booster club (ISBC) offers special opportunities to active supporters. There are a wide variety of activities and needs, and there is a place for everyone who wants to be involved.
A few of the benefits are:
· Airport Welcome Homes – greet the players as they return home from away games.
· Meet and Greet – meet the new team at the beginning of every season.
· Christmas Party – potluck dinner with the members, Steelhead staff, and players.
· Team Outings – for members only.
· Awards Banquet – potluck dinner with the members, Steelhead staff, and players.
The Lending Closet for the players is a major function of the Booster Club. The ISBC funds and furnishes household items for the players so that when they arrive in Boise to join our Idaho Steelheads, they are each welcomed with a “get started” basket that includes immediate basic household needs. The Lending closet reflects the warm, welcoming spirit of our community and enhances Idaho’s reputation as a great place to live, work, and play.
The ISBC also sponsors an annual Youth Hockey Scholarship Award for talented local athletes who wish to pursue hockey but are unable to afford the expense. These funds are dispensed through the Idaho Amateur Ice Foundation Scholarship Program.
Support the Idaho Steelheads Hockey Team by joining the ISBC today!
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